License request and activation

When you run InitWIZ without a license, all the outputs are covered with a trial message – the message is embedded in the output video (converted, recorded, or streamed). To get rid of the overlay, you need a proper license.

You can find options to manage the license in the Tools menu:

Request a license

To request a license you should go to "Tools->Request a license" and send a request with your email to the Tricube team:

Once our team has processed the request, you'll receive an email with a license key attached. Usually, it takes up to 24 hours within business days to get the key.

Activate a license

Once you receive the key, start InitWIZ with administrator privileges, go to "Tools->Activate a license":

You should select the license file by using the "Browse" button. Then click the "Activate" button. Restart the application so the changes take effect.

Last updated